For four decades, I’ve been fortunate enough to turn my passion into a paycheck. Yes, you heard it right! I’ve been paid to play with computers, to solve problems, and to immerse myself in the fascinating world of electronics and computer science 🖥️⚡.

In a high school Junior Achievement club, I got to assemble and program a robot from scratch. And in college, I got to build and program a weather station communicating over a landline for my hang gliding club. It was a perfect blend of my love for technology and service to others 🌤️📞.

Over the years, I’ve attempted to ignite the same spark in my children and their peers to share my love for electronics and computers. Sometimes, I’ve seen the light of understanding flicker in their eyes, other times, it’s been a more challenging endeavor. But every single time, it’s been worth the effort, worth the joy of sharing knowledge 💡.

Now, it’s time to take a leap of faith, to clear the stage of other distractions. It’s time to fully commit to this journey of sharing and learning, of inspiring and being inspired. Here’s to the next chapter 📖!

(Licensed under CC BY-NC 2.5)