I’m pleased to share that I’ve accepted a teaching position with SLVUSD for the 2023-24 academic year, where I’ll guide Middle School and High School students through the fascinating world of Computer Science. This isn’t just a career change; it’s a heartfelt commitment to our community’s future. 💖

As a parent, scout leader, and rotary youth chair in our district, I’ve been fortunate to contribute to various enrichment programs and parent groups. Now, I’m stepping into a role that feels more like a natural progression than a new job. While I don’t know everyone yet, I’m grateful for the support of many teachers, parents, and professionals in our community.

The decision to transition from industry to teaching wasn’t made lightly. It’s a choice that aligns more closely with my core values, even if it doesn’t make the most financial sense. It’s an opportunity to give back and to be a positive, active influence in the lives of our youth.

Teaching is challenging, and being a new teacher is even more so. But I’m ready for this new journey. Yes, it’s a bit daunting, but that’s part of what makes it worthwhile.

Life isn’t just about choosing the easiest path or seeking personal enjoyment; it’s about making a meaningful difference. By being present and intentional with our students, I hope to foster not only a love for computer science but also the development of character and problem-solving skills. Here’s to an exciting new chapter! 🌍